Yapı Merkezi is aware of succeeding in work is furnished by means of the human resource potential. Strengthening this potential power leads the future of the company to be built on the firm ground also known by Yapı Merkezi.

The foundation of Yapı Merkezi Holding’s Human Resources Policies is based on the acquisition of cultural form by achieving beauty through knowledge processing and directing creativity. Therefore Human Resources applications along this line are implemented and invested to the human potential.

The employment process is carried out in accordance with the criteria specified in the Human Resources Regulations, prepared in accordance with the principle of “Equal Opportunity” after determining the workforce requirements in line with the company’s aims and objectives. The principle objective is to employ the right person in line with the company vision and policies with the right qualifications and competence.

Training and Development 
This is based on all types of activities that increase and develop our personnel’s occupational knowledge and the abilities to think, and make rational decisions and contributes to the enhancement of their behavior and approach to work, their habits, and perceptions, in order to enable them to work more effectively in their job. The managers annually evaluate their subordinates via the E-Performance Evaluation System and select the appropriate technical, personal, and management training, from amongst the Yapı Merkezi Training catalog for the personnel in question and inform the  Human Resources  Department. Annual training programs are applied to all departments within the company.

Performance Evaluation Management
This is a process that evaluates and measures the personnel’s individual successes and their behavior within a specified time interval which represents the personnel’s contribution to their department and their position.

Career  Management
Career  Management aims to develop and promote the management cadre from within Yapı Merkezi by ensuring a match between the knowledge, skills, talents, and experience of the personnel and the training opportunities offered by the company.

Salary Management
This system is based on the management of all the factors specified in the evaluation of the remuneration of the company personnel in accordance with specific objectives by using company-identified methods and rules.