YAPI MERKEZİ moves upon the following quality policies by setting smart goals and determining the accurate roadmap, predicting risks, and taking necessary precautions with a target-oriented team and leadership spirit;
- Enhances customer satisfaction in any activity, hands over projects in planned time and budget, in the required quality, meets the needs and expectations of the customer,
- Learns and develops new technologies and engineering methods with a constant focus on development and continual improvement, competes with its knowledge and system superiority in order to be innovative and leading in its sector,
- Promises to create value-added products and services to sustain its existence and achieve its targets,
- Carries out all its projects in accordance with principles of Yapı Merkezi, project management framework, and all applicable national and international legal requirements,
- Builds and sustains compatible and competitive collaborations based upon mutual trust with its business partners, sub-contractors, and suppliers,
- Establishes processes in line with the Company strategy, vision, and mission, monitors the performance of the processes to support continual improvement,
- Monitors and improves quality management system performance with a focus on continuous improvement,
- In order to achieve Company targets; encourages an innovative and creative approach of employees by increasing their technical and behavioral capability, provides technical training, education, or experience and determines the resources needed,
- To achieve the intended results of the quality management system, evaluates risks and opportunities, enhance potential opportunities, and prevent and reduce undesired potential impacts on the products and services.
YAPI MERKEZI acts in accordance with the following aspects to achieve the targets determined by continuous improvement culture and follow a stable and systematic Occupational Health and Safety Policy during all the activities performed;
- Provides a safe and healthy working environment for all concerned parties including its employees, subcontractors, and communities in which it operates,
- Its managers at all levels lead for providing and maintaining the continuity of safe and healthy working environments,
- Uses all resources required to prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases, eliminate the dangers identified, determine the risks and opportunities,
- Records and examines all occupational accidents that occurred, occupational diseases identified, or all related potential incidents; and identifies, takes, and follows all measures to prevent repetition,
- Acts in compliance with the Employer’s contract terms, all related local and international legal regulations, and other requirements of Occupational Health and Safety,
- Takes necessary steps to establish a suitable advisory and communication system for employees, representatives of employees, and all concerned parties and to ensure their participation in the system,
- Ensures that employees, subcontractors, and all concerned parties adopt the goal of “zero accident” as a culture and provides support, resource, and training for the continuous development of this culture,
- Works with subcontractors and suppliers who meet its own Occupational Health and Safety standards and legal requirements.
- Provides the resources required to follow, measure regularly, and improve continuously the identified targets, the performance of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System,
- Ensures review of Occupational Health and Safety policy at least once a year in order to maintain its compliance with all relevant requirements.
YAPI MERKEZİ adopts the following policies by aiming to avoid or reduce the environmental and social impacts of company activities and to leave a livable clean environment for future generations with a growing environmental awareness;
- Complies with the laws, regulations, and all applicable national and international legal and environmental requirements, practices an effective environmental management system accepted by all levels of the organization in order to improve its environmental performance,
- Acknowledges new standards and sets new goals with a constant focus on development and continual improvement,
- Aims to collaborate with suppliers having environmental awareness,
- Requests from its business partners and sub-contractors to implement this policy, and tries to implement the same or similar policy for related parties,
- Aims to reduce and prevent potential adverse impacts on the environment with a life cycle approach,
- Takes actions to prevent possible environmental impacts arising from waste management and aims at recycling wastes,
- While assessing the risks and opportunities, takes into consideration the emergency cases and all possible environmental aspects and impacts in order to reduce risks and result in opportunities,
- Plans projects by considering energy efficiency and aims to reduce energy consumption,
- Focuses on resource efficiency and avoids wastage,
- Monitors environmental performance with a continual improvement approach,
- Works to create environmental awareness and ensures that all employees contribute to environmental protection,
- Fulfills social responsibility requirements with all its stakeholders and business partners,
- Considers supporting sustainable use of resources while undertaking all its activities,
- Minimizes the impacts of the projects on the affected communities by assessing social, environmental and health and safety risks and implementing mitigation measures,
- Considers the needs and expectations of related parties, while carrying out all these activities and to benefit the affected communities,
- Respects the values, views, and rights of the affected communities. Contacts and establishes strong, open, and fair relationships with affected communities. Implements engagement activities and discloses Project related information through appropriate and transparent means,
- Respects the cultural background of the affected communities and conduct activities avoiding impacts on tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy describes the business culture of all value chain stakeholders in Yapı Merkezi Holding, group companies, subsidiaries, branches, businesses, and projects, and is in harmony with Yapı Merkezi’s company policies, ethical principles, and values.
While raising the awareness of each of our employees on Social Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, we work meticulously to ensure equality of opportunity in all our business processes with our Human Resources Policies.
Yapı Merkezi;
- complies with the working rules regulated in the legislation in force in the countries in which it operates and works to provide a business life in accordance with the relevant country legislation and international agreements.
- respects and protects the rights and values of its employees and business partners for a sustainable future within the framework of its mission, vision, and values.
- undertakes to take decisions based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights in all its processes, to organize all its activities accordingly, and not to be complicit in human rights violations in any way.
- is based on the principles of equality, diversity, and inclusiveness in all its work and reflects these principles in all its business processes.
- exhibits a fair and equal stance in all Human Resources Processes, particularly in recruitment, training & development, career planning, performance evaluation, wage management, and corporate communication processes without of gender, pregnancy, ethnicity, religion, language, race, denomination, color, national origin, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or gender expression, political opinion, etc. in the workplace.
- is committed to creating value with a culture based on equal opportunities, where employees can contribute with their diversity, and supports studies on these issues.
- cares about the ideas of all its stakeholders and works to create a workplace where they can express themselves freely.
- acts to provide fair and equal opportunities to all its employees, candidates, business partners, and stakeholders in its business processes and value chain, being aware of its sphere of influence and responsibilities.
- is committed to providing a workplace that develops its employees with its Zero Tolerance Approach against inhuman and degrading behaviors such as all kinds of mistreatment, intimidation, and verbal, cyber, and physical harassment within the company. When such a situation is encountered, it immediately investigates the situation with care and meticulousness, ensures that the process is concluded fairly and quickly, and takes action.
- respects the rights of the communities in the regions where it operates and ensures that the necessary studies are carried out activities to prevent negative effects on Human Rights by detecting in advance, and evaluating the risks.
- acts and follows the policy of equal and fair pay for equal work.
- cares and supports women’s participation in the workforce.
- raises the awareness of all its stakeholders to ensure the sustainability of a safe and healthy workplace.
All Yapı Merkezi Employees are responsible for developing the value created for the support and implementation of this policy and for reporting any behavior contrary to this policy via the Ethics Hotline (etik@ym.com.tr).
We undertake to act in accordance with this policy and to share it with our entire sphere of influence, that it is binding for all processes of Yapı Merkezi in the countries in which it operates.